Today is the end of week one, day 7. I’m now officially one twelfth of the way through my 90-day fitness challenge and I’m feeling a little fatigued. Maybe it’s because I’ve had quite a few days this week that I’ve been working out hard or whether I’ve been eating one too many bad things in my meals, but I don’t feel at my optimum.
My fitness training today was definitely not one of my favourites, but I understand that we all must do things that we don’t like all that much in order to shed that fat and get to a place where we love seeing our body in the mirror.
Here’s what today’s workout looked like:
- Pushing the dog sled and pulling it back with 60kg of load on it. I went through 7 sets of this, doing sets of 1,2,3,3,3,3,4. Pushing forward and then pulling back is considered one rep and I went up and back for a full seven sets.
I always enjoy Sunday mornings as I get to do some group training, but not in the traditional sense.
Today I woke up tired and hungry, which isn’t a great start to me. I’m thinking that is down to my diet and not great sleep over the last few days, but we will see. Below is a run down of what I had today.
Today’s workout was around 8am (much earlier than I would usually do it any other day, but today’s Sunday), which meant I wasn’t able to eat breakfast before so I had a bounce protein ball before starting (alongside the obligatory strong coffee before a workout).
I had a flapjack post workout (carbs and sugars) and then had soft boiled eggs on gluten free toast (Genius bread). This was quite a lot of carbs, but there was healthy fats and protein there so I did offset it a little.
I had a slice of toast with some peanut butter on it, as I wasn’t feeling overly hungry. It is carb loaded, so it might not have been the best decision of the day, but I was thinking fewer calories means less fat retention.
Afternoon Snack
Gala apple: I was feeling a little peckish in the afternoon so took a quick snack. We all think it’s great eating our ‘5 a day’, but I guess I forgot about the amount of sugar in apples and must have had a bit of a brain fart.
Gamon and broccoli was on the menu today (and I ate the goats cheese whilst preparing the meal). I always love cooking gamon a little longer so that the fat crusts up a little. A rather simple meal but it filled me up and felt nutritious.
Looking back on my food intake today and over the past few days I seem to have forgotten what carbs are. Yes, I might not have been going crazy with loads of cakes, biscuits and chocolates etc but I have had quite a lot of carbs, which might lead me to understand why I’ve been quite tired over the last few days upon waking.
My Thoughts/Feelings
Today I was utterly tired when I woke up, which isn’t a good sign for me if I’m training legs. Keeping that in mind, I’m concious that tomorrow is the weekly fat check/weigh in, so I’m aware that I really need to be ready for not ‘losing’ as much fat as I originally intended. Here’s to the fat check tomorrow and the next week worth of going hard towards my goal.
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